The real social network

The Resbite app helps you to connect and socialise in the real world by suggesting and facilitating real-social activities.

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The real social network

The Resbite app helps you to connect and socialise in the real world by suggesting and facilitating real-social activities.

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animated illustration of friends doing karaoke. Resbite app activity animated illustration of friends camping. Resbite app activity animated illustration of friends in a costume party. Resbite app activity animated illustration of friends star gazing. Resbite app activity

Our mission

Many modern technologies have stopped us being present, diminished human relationships and distanced us from reality.

We are on a mission to repair the individual and societal damage caused by these harmful technologies and create ethically designed social technology that makes a positive impact on the world.

Resbite will bring communities together in a real way, enabling people to feel healthier and happier whilst rediscovering their authentic sense of self and the world around them.

illustration of our founder Stephen Gray talking during an interview at a tv studio illustration of our founder Stephen Gray talking during an interview at a tv studio
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Why do this?

From a young age, our Co-Founder and Chief Innovation Officer (CINO), Stephen Gray, personally experienced and witnessed the harm the internet's first breed of social technologies caused.

After the mass adoption of social media, he became more specifically interested in the unethical strategy and design objectives of big tech's social products.

In 2016, he sold his then successful digital creative agency and posted a blog embarking on a mission to create real social tech.


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We design
ethical tech

animated illustration of App designers discussing over a whiteboard that has notes regarding achieving balance between data and user happiness

In 2016, Stephen founded Real Social Tech, a social enterprise aimed at fostering authentic human connections while raising awareness of the societal impacts of anti-social technologies.

Shifting from advocacy to direct action in late 2019, he developed the concept of Resbite, which gained significance during the social and psychological challenges of the 2020 COVID-19 lockdowns.

Resbite, though in its early stages, adheres to an ethical code originating from Real Social Tech's principles established in 2016, encompassing key aspects such as:

animated illustration of App designers discussing over a whiteboard that has notes regarding achieving balance between data and user happiness

Keep in touch

Subscribe to our mailing list to keep updated with the development of the Resbite app and follow our journey along the way.

If you’re already on social media, you can follow us on the links below. If you’re not on social media, congratulations, you’re most likely healthier and happier as a result.

If you’re already on social media, you can follow us on the links below. If you’re not on social media, we understand and are looking forward to providing you with a real alternative very soon.